
The Importance of Understanding Digital Marketing for Job Opportunities

Why Digital Marketing?

In the 21st century, people are competing for a wider range of products. Simply using TV for marketing is no longer effective. This is because most of the Indonesian generation consists of millennials.


Of the many marketing skills, digital marketing is a great choice. Why? Because these techniques and skills are not too difficult to learn. All knowledge and information about digital marketing is on the internet and can be accessed by everyone.


Digital Marketing Goals


Maybe you still confused about the purpose of digital marketing. The most important of course is for marketing. Apart from marketing, digital marketing also aims to reach a wider range of consumers using less money.


This is going to be very efficient for many businesses. Who is not tempted by this offer? All companies are starting to look for people who have expertise in digital marketing. They want their companies and products to get wider exposure than before.


Statistical Analysis

To understand digital marketing further, we must understand statistical analysis. Digital marketing has produced very accurate data. This data can also be analysed and generate conclusions about the sales that occurred.

For example, through digital marketing, you can analyse whether a consumer likes the goods we sell or not. This is all done through data analysis. All data will be obtained based on the history of sales and consumers. Several digital analysis tools that can be used, such as Instagram insight and search console.


Digital Marketing Concept


What digital marketing concepts can make people more interested in our products?


First, what people think of when they see a product is its visual appearance. So, through the appearance of a product, this can be an additional attraction in selling a product.


Apart from that, there are also things like searching and browsing. we must often see websites appearing on the first page, right? It’s all thanks to SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimization, can increase the chances of your website or business being found when consumers search the internet.


Second, there is a digital marketing strategy called advertisements. Easily, a company can buy advertisements on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and so on.


All of this, of course, must be managed by someone who already understands the concept of digital marketing. It is in this position that those of you with digital marketing skills can be very useful for a company.


job vacancy


When looking at the job vacancies of a digital marketer, there’s a lot they can do. Of course, digital marketers themselves are job vacancies that are top careers. There are several examples of vacancies, such as SEO manager or social media manager.