
Bulls Eye Technique – Social Media Marketing Strategy 2019

Social Media Marketing Strategy 2019

You cannot use all platforms for your social media campaign. Because each business has different target consumers and each social media platform also has its own user characteristics.

It could be that a business needs to do social media campaigns on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. While other businesses may only need to use Instagram. Maybe your business needs to do social media marketing on Instagram, LinkedIn, and LINE.

How to determine which social media is suitable for your business?

 The answer is research. You need to research your audience to determine which social media is most suitable for your business.

One way for effective audience research methods is the Bulls Eye technique developed by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares to map marketing strategies on social media.

Bulls Eye Technique

The point is the bull’s eye technique is a technique used to determine which social media the most appropriate for a start is up

1. Brainstorming

Make a list of all the social media that might be used and write ideas that can be applied

2. Rank

Make a rank base on social media platform into 3 categories

Inner circle


Long shot

3. Prioritize

Focus on the inner circle category only and there must be three social media in the inner circle category, no more and no less.

4. Test

Apply Trial ideas on social media in the category of inner circles simultaneously

5. Focus On

Test stage will show the most effective social media. Maximize marketing on one social media.

Any strategy if you don’t have a clear goal or goal cannot be called a good strategy. So is the social media marketing strategy. You must determine the purpose of social media marketing before starting a campaign on social media.

Your social media marketing goals must be specific and measurable. If this is your first time compiling a social media marketing strategy, maybe you are still confused about what kind of goals you should set. One example of the goal of social media marketing is to increase Brand Awareness

This of course should be used to build your brand persona on social media platforms. Don’t just focus on promotional content, but your business’s social media content with content that is able to show your brand’s persona so that your customers always remember your brand.

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