
Practical and Effective Ways to Attract Online Buyers

Selling online is one of the most popular jobs because it is more practical and efficient. The appeal to stay at home is one of the factors for the incessant online shopping. This is more or less one of the factors for the proliferation of online shops.

The large number of existing online shops makes us as online shop owners have to be creative so that our shop can still get buyers and even grow. In the following, I will try to summarize 5 ways to attract online buyers.

1. Pay attention to the product photos that will be uploaded

Product photos are one of the things that can steal a buyer’s attention. To make the product more attractive, make sure the image is not blurry and pay attention to three important compositions during the shooting process, for example, light, color and photo angle.

2. Testimonials or positive reviews from buyers

Testimonials are statements from buyers when using or consuming a particular product or service. So, if you have found a buyer, there’s nothing wrong with asking for a review or testimonial after using our product. Positive reviews can be used as social media content, while if there are unfavorable reviews they can be used as evaluations so that our products get better.

3. Take advantage of social media with certain strategies

Social media is a promotional medium that can reach a wider range of products. Now, various social media are equipped with the latest features. So, try to make good use of it. For example, on TikTok, you can promote products using popular sounds. Apart from that, you can also use Instagram Reels to boost new audiences and engagement for your online store.

4. Get to know your target audience more closely

The target audience is the group of consumers most likely to be interested in the product or service being offered. Not all audiences like the product. So, it is advisable to know beforehand. For example, if you want to sell outdoor equipment, the target audience is young people aged 17-39 years who are adventurous. The use of language style can also be adjusted, for example choosing words that tend to be relaxed or informal to sell outdoor equipment.

5. Pricing psychology strategy

Affordable or affordable prices with good product quality are one of the main factors and can influence buyers. It is better not to set a price that is too high (eg 200% of the capital price) without proper calculations. The reason is many buyers are likely to compare prices with other competitors. For pricing, you can put odd numbers like 5 or 9. Setting prices with odd numbers will have an effect on the buyer, that the product is much cheaper than products using even numbers.