Internet Services – Top Marketing Ideas Top Marketing Ideas Mon, 15 Jul 2019 11:17:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bulls Eye Technique – Social Media Marketing Strategy 2019 Mon, 15 Jul 2019 10:45:00 +0000 Social Media Marketing Strategy 2019

You cannot use all platforms for your social media campaign. Because each business has different target consumers and each social media platform also has its own user characteristics.

It could be that a business needs to do social media campaigns on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. While other businesses may only need to use Instagram. Maybe your business needs to do social media marketing on Instagram, LinkedIn, and LINE.

How to determine which social media is suitable for your business?

 The answer is research. You need to research your audience to determine which social media is most suitable for your business.

One way for effective audience research methods is the Bulls Eye technique developed by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares to map marketing strategies on social media.

Bulls Eye Technique

The point is the bull’s eye technique is a technique used to determine which social media the most appropriate for a start is up

1. Brainstorming

Make a list of all the social media that might be used and write ideas that can be applied

2. Rank

Make a rank base on social media platform into 3 categories

Inner circle


Long shot

3. Prioritize

Focus on the inner circle category only and there must be three social media in the inner circle category, no more and no less.

4. Test

Apply Trial ideas on social media in the category of inner circles simultaneously

5. Focus On

Test stage will show the most effective social media. Maximize marketing on one social media.

Any strategy if you don’t have a clear goal or goal cannot be called a good strategy. So is the social media marketing strategy. You must determine the purpose of social media marketing before starting a campaign on social media.

Your social media marketing goals must be specific and measurable. If this is your first time compiling a social media marketing strategy, maybe you are still confused about what kind of goals you should set. One example of the goal of social media marketing is to increase Brand Awareness

This of course should be used to build your brand persona on social media platforms. Don’t just focus on promotional content, but your business’s social media content with content that is able to show your brand’s persona so that your customers always remember your brand.

Read Next Articles About Social Media Marketing 2019

How To Earn From Your Blog Sun, 07 Jul 2019 08:12:36 +0000 How to make money with blogs so you can earn benefits from your blog and start earning profits from it. It’s one of the reasons why people want to try blogging. Also, it is also very easy to do if you can do it well, then the income is pretty good. There are several ways in which you can use to earn some money from your website. Therefore, you may want to try some of them that are suitable for your content, as well as the visitors you have on your website.

Put CPM or CPC ads

The first thing you will get when trying to learn how to make money with blogs is to place CPM or CPC ads on your website. Then you will get some money from your visitors through this method. All you need to do is place some banners on your website that contain the ads. There are several companies that offer this service and one of the most popular is Google AdSense.

Sale of private ads

If your website has many visitors, you can even start selling some private ads to other companies. That way, you do not need to use an intermediate part like Google AdSense to place ads on your website. You can contact the company directly or some will even contact you. With this method, you can even put your own rates, which means a higher gain compared to the previous method.

Affiliate links

When there are some products related to the niche of your blog, you can start placing affiliate links in your content. That way, when your visitors buy that product through their links, the seller will give you some money. This is an excellent method since the links will not disturb your reader experience when you browse your website. However, you must first register to be a member of the seller when using this method.

Direct sale

If you do not want to sell products from another company when you learn to make money with blogs, you also try to sell your own product. The product can be anything, even the digital product will also be sold. You can sell several things, such as e-books, music, software, services and many others that will benefit your readers.

Sell ​​membership

If your website really has a great value, you can even try to sell a premium membership to your reader. Of course, you must grant certain advantages to premium users that are different from free users. For example, you can make premium users use certain functions or access premium areas that free users can not access. To do this, you need to develop something useful and valuable that you can offer using the premium membership.

Those are several things you must try when you learn to make money with blogs. Of course, some of them may not be suitable for everyone. That is why; You need to find the most appropriate method for the current condition of your blog.

Identify your consumer Behavior before Promote your product Sat, 08 Apr 2017 08:08:12 +0000 we found variety of customers with different behaviors. There are consumer friendly and accepts us with good deals, there are consumers who are too demanding, there are consumers who are too detailed and difficult to make a decision to buy a product or service, and there are also buyers who are passive and less interested in what we deliver.

The consumer behaviors often make us rush and become one of the obstacles in marketing products or services. However, as an entrepreneur and a true marketer, we should be able to learn about the behavior of the consumer and for planning marketing strategies according to their behavior.

Well, to help businesses and marketers who have difficulty dealing with various behaviors of consumers, here we inform some consumer behavior that we often encounter in the field along with tips on how to deal with it.

Aggressive Consumers

Usually they do not like to waste time, and want the optimal results. Therefore much as possible not too much ado when faced with aggressive customers, provide information on products and services clearly and to the point (to the point). Convince them to inform the benefits they can get from the product or service being offered. So that they are interested in us, and eventually decided to buy the product.

Friendly Consumer

Consumer friendly face would be nice, but it does not mean we can respond to it next to the eye and did not do any marketing strategy to attract their attention. If you find consumers who are friendly enough, then the user’s welcome by trying to become their friend. Good relations, indirectly can build customer loyalty. So they do not hesitate to decide subscribe to the products or services that we offer.

Detailed and Criticizers Consumer

Subsequent consumer behavior that consumers are very conscientious and happy to criticize the products or services that we offer. To convince consumers like this, please provide complete and detailed information. Make sure all the points you want to offer the consumer can understand. Because they will continue to seek additional information, before they decide to buy a product.

Faced with a passive consumer is certainly not an easy affair for entrepreneurs and traders. These consumers are more likely to be silent and difficult to be interested in an offer. Therefore as a marketer you have to be smart to take their hearts, try to offer products or services that often they need. Therefore, consumers are more interested in buying this kind of product or service into their key requirements.

After about a variety of consumer behavior along with strategies to deal with it, I hope the reader can provide the best service for consumers. Because after all, the consumer plays an important role in the success of your business. Get to know your consumer behavior, and provide excellent service to them. Good work and successful greeting.

Marketing Tips: 5 Things Consumers Do Before Shopping Online Fri, 07 Apr 2017 08:07:34 +0000 Nowadays people very practical , most people prefer to buy goods online. Especially now that the digital world has been able to indulge the consumer to choose a wide range of products only from the screen of the gadget. This is what makes the online store business growth in Indonesia experienced a rapid surge, since the last few years.

To deal with the online market competition intensifies, the online business to be a smart marketing strategy. Not just standing by relying on the internet and hope customers come by itself, but the online business should also be able to identify the kind of character the consumers that they face and how they behave before they make a purchase decision.

1. When planning shopping, around 77% of the respondents usually check first.

This step is taken to determine the promotional program takes place and inspect stock items they want to buy. After obtaining the information, the consumer usually does not immediately make a purchase, they still need some time to reconsider his decision before shopping online.

2. Inspect all variations of existing products, before finally determine the choice.

Although each day the number of internet users in Indonesia continues to increase, but in fact there are only about 13.3 percent of Indonesian Internet users who make purchases online. Most consumers in Indonesia are still afraid to be deceived, because many cases of online fraud. In order to not suffer a worse fate, online shoppers usually check all the variants of the products sold on an online site before being absolutely sure to specify a choice.
3. Dont get Upset if your consumers compare prices with other shop/ online shop

The terms of bargaining were not only in traditional markets. Although the system has been done with the purchase of advanced technology, but the habits of Indonesian consumers to compare the price with the store next door and bid at a lower price is still often faced by online businesses.
4. Ensure the payment system can be done very easily.

Most of the consumers who shop online are dominated by women, to make sure that you apply the payment system is not difficult for them to make a payment. At a minimum you can use three numbers with a different bank account, so that they can make payments in accordance with the bank that they have.
5. Testimony from other buyers greatly influence the consumer’s decision to shop online.

One of the driving factors that are very effective to influence consumer purchase in the online marketplace is testimony from other consumers who have used the product or service from you. Review submitted by other consumers, will indirectly affect the level of consumer confidence, because they cannot hold that product directly.

ADVERTISING STRATEGIES For Companies – Media-Selection Sun, 10 May 2015 07:50:40 +0000 Companies typically plan and execute their advertising through five stages:
developing the budget, planning the advertising, copy development and approval, execution, and monitoring response

Media-Selection Strategy

Media may be defined as those channels through which messages concerning a product or service are transmitted to targets. The following media are available to advertisers: newspapers, magazines, television, radio, outdoor advertising, transit advertising, direct mail, and the Internet.

Selection of an advertising medium is influenced by such factors as the product or service itself, the target market, the extent and type of distribution, the type of message to be communicated, the budget, and competitors’ advertising strategies. Except for the advertising perspectives employed by the competition, information on most of these factors is presumably available inside the company. It may be necessary to undertake a marketing research project to find out what sorts of advertising strategies competitors have used in the past and what might be expected of them in the future. In addition, selection of a medium also depends on the advertising objectives for the product/market
concerned. With this information in place, different methods may be used to select a medium.
Mention must be made here of an emerging medium, i.e., Internet advertising.

Online advertising is booming and had reached about $2 billion in 1998.8 Internet advertising offers a variety of advantages. It offers an exceptional ability to target specific customers. Besides, it blurs the division between content and advertising, which the traditional media regard as sacred. If the money is right, many online publishers are willing to strike whatever sort of partnerships an
advertiser might want.

However, ad rates on the Net are steep enough to justify the cost. Most advertisers pay at least as much to reach an Internet audience, typically $10 to $40 per 1000 viewers, as they would for TV or magazine ads.9 Further, the emotion-laden vignettes that work so well on TV simply don’t woo viewers in cyberspace.

Presently, most marketers see Internet advertising as little more than a complement to traditional media. Despite the above problems, Internet advertising will account for a growing proportion of overall advertising expenditure. As the technology improves, the impact of Internet advertising will increase and become easier to measure, and the gap between this new precise, interactive marketing capability and conventional “fuzzy” passive media will widen.

Advertising Objectives. To build a good advertising program, it is necessary first to pinpoint the objectives of the ad campaign. It would be wrong to assume that all advertising leads directly to sales. A sale is a multiphase phenomenon, and advertising can be used to transfer the customer from one phase to the next: from unawareness of a product or service, to awareness, to comprehension, to conviction, to action. Thus, the advertiser must specify at what stage or stages he or she wants advertising to work. The objectives of advertising may be defined by any one of the following approaches: inventory approach, hierarchy approach, or attitudinal approach. Inventory Approach. Anumber of scholars have articulated inventories of functions performed by advertising. The objectives of an ad campaign may be defined from an inventory based on a firm’s overall marketing perspective.

The inventory approach is helpful in highlighting the fact that different objectives can be emphasized in advertising and that these objectives cannot be selected without reference to the overall marketing plan. Thus, this approach helps the advertiser avoid operating in a vacuum. However, inherent in this approach is the danger that the decision maker may choose nonfeasible and conflicting objectives if everything listed in an inventory seems worth pursuing.

Hierarchy Approach. Following this approach, the objectives of advertising should be stated in an action-oriented psychological form. Thus, the objectives of advertising may be defined as (a) gaining customers’ initial attention, perception, continued favorable attention, and interest; or (b) affecting customers’ comprehension, feeling, emotion, motivation, belief, intentions, decision, imagery, association, recall, and recognition. The thesis behind this approach is that customers move from one psychological state to another before actually buying a product.

Thus, the purpose of advertising should be to move customers from state to state and ultimately toward purchasing the product. Although it makes sense to define the purpose of an individual ad in hierarchical terms, it may be difficult to relate the purpose so defined to marketing goals. Besides, measurement of psychological states that form the basis of this approach is difficult and subjective compared to the measurement of goals such as market share.

Attitudinal Approach. According to this approach, advertising is instrumental in producing changes in attitudes; therefore, advertising goals should be defined to influence attitudinal structures.

The attitudinal approach is an improvement over the hierarchical approach because it attempts to relate advertising objectives to product/market objectives.

This approach indicates not only the functions advertising performs, it also targets the specific results it can achieve.

Advertising objectives should be defined by a person completely familiar with all product/market perspectives. A good definition of objectives aids in the writing of appropriate ad copy and in selecting the right media. It should be recognized that different ad campaigns for the same product can have varied objectives. But all ad campaigns should be complementary to each other to maximize total advertising impact.

SEO Truths And Common SEO Misconceptions Thu, 11 Sep 2014 23:36:59 +0000 Today, it is commonly thought that is easy to learn everything about anything to go to the Internet. But this idea is not 100% accurate. The ease with which information flows in cyberspace could lead to misconceptions and myths about a particular topic. This means that the fact that something is published online does not necessarily mean that it is correct

When it comes to search engine optimization or SEO, the parameters are always changing. So what was true before and unless. This is assuming that the information was correct in the first place.

Here are some of the SEO myths and their parallels “truths” –

1 Having an XML sitemap increase your ranking in the SERPs.

It is smart to produce a XML sitemap but do not expect to see improvements classified only to do that. The site map is useful for search engines like Google and can withstand much more efficient web exploring your site but will not help to “leapfrog” competitors.

2 Using title tags is critical to your SEO.

Use heading tags (ie, H1, H2, etc) is useful for defining the essential content of your site and its relevance to some people, but do not expect to produce significant improvements in their ranks.

Three trading hyperlinks with other webmasters are as important as the development of the quality of “going” links.

Trading links (also known as reciprocal link) is an object used to be effective long ago but that is no longer useful to improve the ranking of a website.

The only time trade links might make sense is when each can advantageously webmasters for traffic that can possibly come on the website of the partner.

4 Obscured many links on your pages is a great idea.

Google and other search engines like Google, are incredibly intelligent and can identify “spam links” in a simple way. This is one of the biggest mistake webmasters make when it comes to “optimize” for a keyword.

If you use a font size of any small to show the same color as the page background using CSS or maneuvering so far of the page, which can not be seen by site visitors engines … search know!

This practice is stupid and not good will happen from there!

5 There is an optimum density of keywords to the content of the pages.

This is the case in the past, but is no longer valid. It is a good idea to make sure your targeted keywords is present somewhere in your page, but do not bother to calculate the percentages of density.

It is far superior and more effective to create content that will be valuable for people who read through your content and approach writing for search engine robots.

Positive Energy and Self-Promotion Wed, 04 Dec 2013 03:08:50 +0000 Self promotion is generally something which many people try to steer clear of. You will find ways around it and individuals scramble to figure out ways to prevent direct marketing techniques. If you wish to ease into things, that you can do simple promotions which are less threatening. Anything that you simply do to help individuals discover regarding your business can be viewed as self promotion. You should use the next easy self promotion approaches and begin coming our of the spend. wholesale marketing items

Just roll-your masturbator sleeves and do your very best to visualize the professional image, after which continue the good work until you’ve made the in a major way. However when you consider it, you’ve got no other option because you must have the best image. Yes, this can be a mind trick, but there’s one more reason this is guaranteed as sturdy creating your personal reality. Just see yourself as what you would like to become, and a part of that’s which makes it just as real as you possibly can. Self promotion at social networking is actually no large deal, but you should know there’s more to existence than Facebook. Not every companies are appropriate for those social networking sites which is remember this. Spend some time with making your profile and discover the right methods for it. Not to mention you need to discover the ropes for every site because they’re various different. Social networking isn’t a fad and each day the net will get more social and social.

The easiest method to tell your friends in regards to you is to talk to them, and you will find a lot of great places for your. One excellent approach is to locate relevant forums after which simply become involved. Actually, blatant marketing is generally frowned upon so just take part in discussions which are happening and request questions and provide advice to other people. The one thing concerning the whole approach is you will have to build credibility which takes some time. Hopefully this information has taken a few of the mystery from self promotion, there actually are several choices for you personally. Just commence with small steps and obtain familiar with various processes after which silently scale them up. Should you not wish to be something you aren’t, like rude maybe, then just never be this way – it isn’t necessary. So select one factor after which focus on it until it begins creating something healthy for you. This Web site

SharePoint development Introduction Fri, 05 Jul 2013 07:24:21 +0000
SharePoint service Development implies reconciling SharePoint into the existing programming nature’s domain. SharePoint Development causes the artists to improve, design, and modify Internet, Extranet, and Internet entrance dependent upon Microsoft SharePoint. Microsoft SharePoint incorporates three primary innovations:
o Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS)
o Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer (MOSD)
o Windows SharePoint Services (WSS)

SharePoint is a solitary stage; from a SharePoint side, this is a solitary web-hosting provision. The SharePoint Client Object model incorporates Framework, Microsoft Silver-light provisions and Javascript. Utilize the official enrollment bundle, SharePoint Foundation 2010 Client Object Model Redistributable when this item model is gained entrance to.

To improve a customer SharePoint index, recover the connection question from the customer side that speaks for the present appeal.

SharePoint likewise be based Sql servers. Corporate artists of SharePoint don’t establish SharePoint by utilizing Msi or Click Once innovation. In place of Msi documents, SharePoint bundles results in its own particular result bundle indexes. Java Script documents and Silver-light.xap documents additionally sent to association servers by SharePoint Solution Packages.

With a specific end goal to sharpen SharePoint modifying and coding aptitudes, Microsoft has planned numerous affirmation courses to confirm SharePoint programmers so as to alter SharePoint as per end clients and business necessities. These accreditation require planners to show proceeded capacity to advance SharePoint
Wss 3.0 carries out another idea reputed to be Wss Solution Framework that bundles the sum of the distinctive indexes made throughout the advancement stage in one comprehensive.wsp index. Sp designers need to utilize the fitting instruments to convey the.wsp record in SharePoint.

Intercomputer company offers a wide range of services, starting from IT business consulting, implementation of document management system software, support, systems integration, custom software development and finishing with QA services and creation of near shore dedicated teams on various technologies.

Essay Writing service – Essay Planet Fri, 05 Jul 2013 06:59:47 +0000
As confirmation to universities and graduate schools comes to be significantly more focused, there is expanding imperatives put on the paper as a major aspect of the inductions methodology.

The greater part of the universities and graduate schools has diverse prerequisites and distribute these in their guidelines. Nonetheless, there is an essential approach to confirmation article composing that you may as well utilization.

Your paper ought to be unique and interesting and make an exceptional impact on the determination panel. Furthermore, your paper may as well reflect your systematic abilities and your capacity to manage diverse scenarios, whilst additionally giving experiences to the determination council to help them comprehend why you need to do the specific course and how you will profit from it.

Since confirmation article composing does not come simple to every living soul, it is dependably an exceptional thought to begin early with the goal that you have more than enough time to edit your paper and check your spelling and sentence structure.

The guidelines furnished by the school or graduate school that you are applying to will give you important tips on the most proficient method to organization and approach your article, and you might as well take after these strictly. You might be astonished what number of school candidates disregards these!

It is extremely paramount at the start to improve your induction essay writing arrangement then after that composes your exposition as per this arrangement. Your written work may as well show your capability to think decidedly and express thoughts fittingly while in the meantime the exposition might as well uncover your academic side.

The affirmation exposition may as well decidedly lucid your cause for going to the school or graduate school and how you will profit from the course. Your exposition additionally ought to state what the foundation will pick up by tolerating you as a scholar -numerous seekers disregard this angle.

It is extremely paramount to utilize a first individual story while composing the affirmation article and incorporate engaged statements that exhibit the qualities and capacities that you will carry to the course. Nonetheless, in the meantime you may as well recollect not going over the edge, or it might appear to be false. Additionally don’t make the essay excessively long as that will conceivably lose the investment of the viewer. One or two pages are liable to be sufficient yet hold fast to the distributed induction exposition composing guidelines.

It is exceptionally essential to remember your followers while you are composing the essays . Watch that your goal is clear and that your article uncovers the reason and eagerness that you have for your picked field of study.

As you can see, induction article composing does not have to be troublesome. The induction article might as well depict your written work capacities and additionally uncover the clarity of thought and the profundity of your learning in connection to your picked field. What’s more, you have to pass on your cause and responsibility to study the course you are requesting and you can additionally utilize this to say the profession chances that you need to investigate once you graduate.

Essay smart – Essay writing service Fri, 05 Jul 2013 06:36:54 +0000 ]]> Generally dissertations, specialized or generally, take after a comparative structure in the event that they are dependent upon direct research, which specialized dissertations more often than not are:

Affirm that written work a dissertation is a mind boggling and testing task and treat it likewise. Your fate vocation hinges on upon you making an exceptional showing with it, and, generally imperatively, finishing it.

With a specific end goal to give yourself the best risk of fulfilling your dissertation , make it the top necessity of your existence for the span it will take to finish it. Put whatever number different parts of your existence as could be expected under the circumstances on hold, or anyhow attempt to minimize your support in them until you have finished your dissertation.

When you comprehend the fundamental structure of your dissertation, the true composition of it will be a great deal less scaring. Acknowledging that you’ve done all your exploration, which was truly the hardest part, your assignment now is “essentially” to record everything.

This is the most significant part of the article written work methodology. When you have fittingly comprehended what the paper inquiry is soliciting you can investigate what sorts from supporting research you will require. There is no compelling reason to figure your whole contention yet recover that for later in your article written work example. For the present you have to grasp precisely what the inquiry is asking you. Highlight nexus terms and conceptualize some conceivable edges.

Essay writing work is regularly implied as symbolization and with great excuse for why. It can take years of practice to flawless the specialty. Frequently scholars truly come to be great at composing articles when they achieve the close of their school professions

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